Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Why Are Some People So Cruel?

In my opinion, I think some people are cruel because one, they're either jealuos of you,or two,they are really hurt on the inside. Some people may come off as cruel because they envy you! Have you ever thought of that? Well as crazy as it may seem, it may be true! I suggest that instead of being cruel back, you should show them who you are, and help them out! Who knows, you maky be their role model! Next, some people are cruel because maybe they have been hurt really bad, and don't want to let anyone hurt them again. They do this by shutting the doors to come close to them, and channeling all their anger to whoever no matter what. Yea we can all agree that this is wrong, but I guess they don't know any better way of coping with it! My advice? Try breaking into that person! No matter how cold they are to you, keep on being there for them, and eventually, they'll come around... =) That's why I think some people are so cruel!

What Different Colors Mean/Represent..

Okay so, there are A LOT of colors that have one or more meanings to them! Im going to tell you 5 of them. The ones I will tell you about are:Yellow,Blue, Red, Green, and White. So, Yellow represents being happy,(or happiness) and being optimistic! The color also represents warmth! (THATS WHY THE SUN IS YELLOWWWWW BECAUSE IT IS WARM!):) Next is Blue. Blue can represent sadness,(or depression)feeling like crying, and the cold. Up next is Red. Red mainly represents anger or frustration. Sometimes is can also be used to show heat. Green represents either evil or envy/ jealousy. Also, it can be used as a color to show wealth. And lastly, White. White represents purity, and also heaven! So these were my rundowns of what different colors mean/ represent. =)

When I Was A Discipline Problem ...

So,when I was younger, like (12) I didn't like listening to people. I would always do whatever I wanted to do, without thinking about others! (Ya I am making my-self seem really bad I know... ) But yea. One day, my mom got really mad at me because I was really mad at my sister (who is older than me) and I chucked a really big OBJECT at her head! It was pretty funny except for the fact that I got grounded, and my sister had a gash in her head! If you're wondering, yea I made it up to her so don't worry! ..I also smartened up because being grounded full out sucks.This was ONE time that I remember when I was a discipline problem :)

Monday, June 15, 2009

How I Express Myself Artistically..

I express myself artistically through 3 main things. Singing and dancing! I love singing! I sing in a youth choir with lots of my friends! It is so much fun because we are all there together, and it also gives me an opportunity to meet new people! Alongside all of the fun, when we get down to the singing..It’s amazing. The music we make sounds phenomenal (I think personally)..and we heard reviews from audience members who said that some songs we sang were "hair-raising". We sing in many different languages like English, Swahili, Zulu, Zambian, Arabic, and it keeps on going! We have performed at various events and places, and I have been with the choir for 3 years. This will be my fourth year. It's so much fun and I wouldn’t give it up for anything (except dancing!) Haha!! Dancing. I love dancing. I love it even more than singing!! It's my passion and my favorite pass time ...whenever I hear music, feel down, or even just feel like it, I will dance! :) Right now, I'm not in any dance groups or schools. I kinda just free-style it. It's more fun that way because you can do whatever you want! Dancing lets me get out all my feelings and it also lets me feel free! It’s also really good exercise! I have also choreographed many dances for other groups and done quite a few performances! My sister and I also perform together at events and whenever people contact us. It's so much fun because I LOVE DANCING! So yeah! These are 2 ways I express myself artistically..by singing and dancing! =)

If I Were a Superhero, I Would Be..SUPERMAN!

If I were a superhero, I would be Superman! I would be him, because I would wanna be able to fly! :) Think about it! You wouldn't need a car so you would save money. (and you wouldn't need to wait in traffic!) Plus, I think that would be amzing...Soaring above other to rescue people and save the day! (Wow that sounds soo cheesy but it would be fun!) Also, Superman is also SUPERSTRONG! He can help out with whatever! I want to be able to do that and help whoever I can in any way possible!! Yea it's a big task to do, but it's worth a shot! :) ...Supermans an AMAZINGGGG SUPERHERRROOOOO ...and i would be a preettyy amazing one too!! hahah ..but yeah! If I wanted to be a superheroo...it would be HIM!

My Favorite Senior Citizen!!

My favorite senior citizen is my Grandma. ( though i love my Grandpa too! ) My Grandma is awesome! She is always there for me and my sister , and she is soo loving. She is just like my mom, and most of my childhood memories were with her... She always lets me do whatever I want, and always thinks about us whenever she goes out! Also, she does that one thing that every kid loves...GIVES THEM CANDY AND GIFTS! My grandma loves me no matter what I do good or bad, and she always shows her support for us in every way she can! My grandma's house is the best place ever! I can just go there and hang out , and I can tell my grandma whatever, and she' ll usually try and help me get through whatever is going on.. She is sweet, caring, and understanding and I love her to death. My Grandpa is equally awesome, don't get me wrong, but I just feel as if I have a stronger connection with her. I guess I can connect more with her because she is a girl and she can understand what I would be going through since she had probably gone through the same. Some things I love doing with her is shopping, and cooking! We both LOVE shopping! Whenver I go out with her, we go shopping! Its so much fun and my grandma has really good taste in fashion! Cooking with her is equally fun! My grandma is like the best cook ever! Our favorite dish to make together is cheesecake! We spend all day in her kitchen and its soo much fun! Sometimes we even have food fightss ! =) My Grandma is a super Granny-on-the-go, as shes always up and about and independant. I LOVE YOU GRANDMA XOXO!!! ♥ ♥ ♥

Friday, June 12, 2009

Successful Person

To me a person who is successful is my dad. He is successful in many ways. His business career is going well for him, he makes a pretty satisfiable amount of money, and he gets a lot of customers. Also his health is good, he has a balance between his work and out of work life, and he is a great dad! His success in life is due to his hard work 100%. He has put lots of blood, sweat, and tears into everything he has achieved, and so far, all of it has payed off for him. My dad is my role model, and he is a great example of how well hard work pays off! I think personally, that success is achieved through both talent and hard work. There is such thing as lucky people , but it isn't as up there as talent and hard work. First of all, having talent in what you are involved in is a great advantage! Think about it. Lets say for example you wanted to become a professional dancer, so you entered a contest that could give you recognition. Now, there were auditions for the very few spots there are in this competition, and lets say you didn't have any talent. You would probably have no chance in even getting in now would you. But, if you did, then you have have a greater advantage, and the possibility of you getting even a chance to audition and get into the competition increases much more! Talent is a great thing to have to help you out no matter what. Next, hard work is DEFINITELY needed to be successful. In this day and age, you can't just suspect that everything is going to be handed to you on a silver plate...you have to work for it! Even though it may get tough at times, my little piece of advice is to sweat it out because it really does pay off after! Example, you have just landed a new job! Yea, you're at the bottom of the food chain, but you work hard and prove yourself to be very useful! Things are going great, your boss promoted you, you get a raise, and you now have it easy so you start slacking thinking that you're set so you don't need to worry. Next thing you know, you get demoted and replaced by that shy, short and skinny guy who's new...This is a scenario in which your hard work didn't pay off.. If you achieve success, that doesn't mean you stop working hard, success and hard work come hand in hand...always remember that! This is what i think is necessary to become successful...talent, and hard work! =)