Monday, June 15, 2009

If I Were a Superhero, I Would Be..SUPERMAN!

If I were a superhero, I would be Superman! I would be him, because I would wanna be able to fly! :) Think about it! You wouldn't need a car so you would save money. (and you wouldn't need to wait in traffic!) Plus, I think that would be amzing...Soaring above other to rescue people and save the day! (Wow that sounds soo cheesy but it would be fun!) Also, Superman is also SUPERSTRONG! He can help out with whatever! I want to be able to do that and help whoever I can in any way possible!! Yea it's a big task to do, but it's worth a shot! :) ...Supermans an AMAZINGGGG SUPERHERRROOOOO ...and i would be a preettyy amazing one too!! hahah ..but yeah! If I wanted to be a would be HIM!

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