In my opinion, I think some people are cruel because one, they're either jealuos of you,or two,they are really hurt on the inside. Some people may come off as cruel because they envy you! Have you ever thought of that? Well as crazy as it may seem, it may be true! I suggest that instead of being cruel back, you should show them who you are, and help them out! Who knows, you maky be their role model! Next, some people are cruel because maybe they have been hurt really bad, and don't want to let anyone hurt them again. They do this by shutting the doors to come close to them, and channeling all their anger to whoever no matter what. Yea we can all agree that this is wrong, but I guess they don't know any better way of coping with it! My advice? Try breaking into that person! No matter how cold they are to you, keep on being there for them, and eventually, they'll come around... =) That's why I think some people are so cruel!

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